It’s All a Journey
As I am working to set up my practice, I continue to hit road blocks. It is so easy to become discouraged and allow my deep-rooted fears to enter the chat. It seems no matter how hard I work to change my mindset and minimize the fears, they always seem to come back with a vengeance at the most inopportune moments. I find many of my clients talk about similar struggles. It can feel so disheartening to have worked so hard to climb out of the pit of negative thinking, feel like you’re doing better, then be pulled right back in at the (seemingly) slightest difficulty. It makes you wonder, “Am I just a weak person? Why does it seem like everyone else can deal with these things, but I can’t?” It takes so much energy to remind yourself that, no, you are not weak, you are learning, you are growing, and you are risking! These things take time, it takes mistakes, and it takes facing your deep fears over and over again in a variety of contexts to truly be able to see them and not be pulled back into those pits. It can be totally exhausting and completely annoying to realize that you have to continuously work on these things, but, like muscles, the more you work it, the more cross-training you do, the stronger the muscle becomes and the less likely to be injured it gets.